For this snowstorm, in ordr to allow th victims of th snowstorm in th rstoration of normal lif as soon as possibl, a larg-scal donor activitis bgan. Onlin publicity in calling for th rlas of th postings, and many factoris and companis hav gnrously star prformrs also hav givn thir own a lov thos old supr-womn, mn also fastr and hardr for th donor to th strts promotional activitis. Unitd Stats, Japan, China also donatd many of th funds.ating snow mrcilss land, and th cold wintr wind and pain to popl's fac, a broad Bing-Shuang momnt frozn in th road. All sm to hav bcom difficult, snow is lik a whit dmon with our raging snow Aiai Bixiang snow mountains, unabl to find th way out. Howvr, w will not admit dfat! W also hav lov! No mattr what natural and manmad disastrs hav bn carrying th lov! It is lik a bouqut of light, lit th path of hop, w ar no longr afraid, no longr far!Thr is a fling is cold, thr is a forc calld lov!Lov is in a wintr sunshin is hungry and cold popl fl th warmth of th world; lov is in th dsrt in rcnt springs, to th brink of dsprat popl to s th lif of th hop of lov is a floating in th night sky in th songs, so that In th lonlinss without accss to spiritual consolation; lov is a long spll of drought in th flsh littrd th land of th mannos, withrd soul flings of th popl fl nourishd.