How to Use the Dictionary?
How to Us th Dictionary?
Whn you ar rading somthing in nglish, you may oftn com across a nw word. What's th bst way to know it?
You may look it up in an nglish-Chins Dictionary. It will tll you a lot about th word, th pronunciation, th part of spch, th Chins maning and also how to us this word.
But how can you find it in th dictionai'y both quickly and corrctly7 First, all th nglish words ar arrangd in th'alphabtical ordr. In th dictionary you can first s th words bginning with th lttr A, thn B, C, D, ,... That mans, if thr ar two,words dsrt and pull, dsrt will b crtainly bfor pull. Thn if thr ar two words both bginning with th sam lttr, you may lo0k at th scond lttr. Thn th third, th fourth, ... For xampl,pardon is bfor plough, judg bfor just,tc.
Do you undrstand how to look up a word in dictionary?
Th dictionary will b your: good frind. I hop you'll us it as oftn as possibl in your nglish larning.