Do you know who is "Qu Yuan"? What typ of "Zongzi" do you lik most? Hav you vr joind a dragon boat comptition? All ths ar rlatd to th Dragon Boat Fstival.
Do you know th origin of this fstival? Rad th following ssay and you will hav a clar pictur of th Dragon Boat Fstival.
Th 5th day of th 5th month of th lunar yar is an important day for th Chins popl. Th day is calld Duan Wu Fstival, or Dragon Boat Fstival, clbratd vrywhr in China.
This fstival dats back to about 2,000 yars ago with a numbr of lgnds xplaining its origin. Th bst-known story cntrs on a grat patriotic pot namd Qu Yuan.
Th customs vary a lot in diffrnt aras of th country, but most of th familis would hang th pictur of Zhong Kui (a ghost that can xorcis), calamus and moxa in thir houss. Popl hav Dragon Boat Racs, at Zong Zi (dumpling mad of glutinous ric wrappd in bamboo or rd lavs) and carry a spic bag around with thm.