字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 间接因果论证:小孩子为什么说谎?-Why Do Children Tell Li.

间接因果论证:小孩子为什么说谎?-Why Do Children Tell Li.

高中生作文   2025-02-26





Why Do Childrn Tll Lis?

All childrn ar innocnt, but not all of thm ar honst. Quit a fw of thm tll lis. W frquntly har about childrn bing punishd by thir parnts or tachrs for lying. My nphw, an lvn-yar-old boy, is oftn scoldd by his mothr. Whnvr h coms hom lat, h says that h was at school. But mor than onc h was found playing with othr naughty boys on thir way hom. Who is to blam now? Is it th childrn thmslvs who njoy tlling lis or othr popl, such as thir parnts or tachrs, who caus thm to do so?

W hav no doubt that childrn ar born to b pur. Thy grow up, affctd by thir surroundings. Although thy tak intrst in almost vrything, thy havn't dvlopd thir own powrs of indpndnt judgmnt. Thy can't tll what's right or what's wrong. Thir powrs of obsrvation①, in contrast, ar much strongr than thir powrs of judgmnt. And abov all, thy ar good at imitating②. Unfortunatly, w adults somtims li. Mayb w find it ncssary or hav to to do so somtims. This is somthing lik whit lis③. Th troubl is that most of us don't avoid doing so bfor childrn. Thus, childrn's lying is, in a way, th rsult of adult's act.

W also bliv that childrn crtainly mak mistaks. At first, thy do hav som intrst in truth and honsty. A boy has brokn a glass, and hav admittd his mistaks; h is almost likly scoldd instad of bing praisd by his parnts. And whn a pupil admits that h misss class on tim, h is usually warnd not to do that again anothr tim by his tachr. Gradually th child loss th courag to tll th truth; on th contrary, h fls it hlpful to tll lis: at last, h can scap bing punishd hr and now. And at last, h concluds that to tll lis is somhow a good way to gt rid of troubl. Bfor long th parnts and th tachr will b complaining that th child is always lying, but thy sldom raliz that it is thy who hav brought this on th child.




③whit li善意的谎言



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