上网的利弊(The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet)
th following aspcts could bst illustrat th advantags of intrnt. ntsurfrs in diffrnt countris can shar intrsting knowldg and th latst information. bsids, intrnt has providd a major opportunity to buy and sll mrchandis . what is mor, popl may gt mdical hlp or vn vot on intrnt. its advantags sm countlss.bhind all this glowing talk, howvr, ar som problms. intrnt maks popl passiv by stopping thm making thir own ntrtainmnt. so much so that whn thr is a brakdown or jam, popl may find that world wid wb turns into world wid wait. what is wors, som childrn hav accss to th scns of violnc and sx. apart from ths, it can b affctd by viruss and hackrs.w should handl its problms, manwhil w should xploit its potntial as wll. with propr managmnt of intrnt popl ought to xprinc mor fruits of th information rvolution. all th wisdom of th ags, all th information that has nlightnd mankind for cnturis, should b availabl to us with th halthy dvlopmnt of intrnt.