字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 难忘的经历- An unforgettable experience

难忘的经历- An unforgettable experience

高中生作文   2025-03-01

An unforgttabl xprinc

高二(13)班 郭之天

My mom usd to say that I was born to swim. But th truth is that I didn’t know how to swim until th last yar of my primary school!

Mom always said that I could swim in th basin whn I was only two months old. I was surprisd at th amazing fact. If this was tru, thn why was I afraid of watr? I wnt to swim vry summr, but I didn’t mak a littl progrss. I was worrid and blamd myslf svral tims. Whn I watchd popl swimming frly, how I wishd I had larnt to swim!

Th story of how I larnt to swim is dramatic. On hot summr aftrnoon, my fathr and I wnt to th swimming pool to swim. Whil my fathr was changing his cloths, I was roaming along th bank of th pool. Suddnly I hard a voic, “Look out!” and thn cam a big nois and bautiful splashs. Just whn I was admiring th swimmr’s skills, I slippd into th pool! I was so afraid that I shoutd at onc! But th watr kpt coming towards m and I drank a lot of it. I was moving upsid down and trying to rach th bank. I was struggling vry hard to kp my had abov th watr.

A minut was lik a hundrd yars to m. To my surpris, I was abl to kp th styl! Just thn, my fathr, saw m and h smd to b shockd. H thn said, “Calm down, just wav your arms and lgs lik this. Right!” And I got it! I finally larnt to swim! You can’t imagin how happy I was and I wantd to jump for joy!

From this unforgttabl xprinc I larnt that on’s powr is unlimitd. Somtims you could show that powr in an mrgncy. If you bliv that, you will discovr th powr lying within yourslf and achiv your goals. And on has to stay calm whn it’s dangrous. To calm down hlps you to think clarly and mak th bst dcision for you. That’s what I hav larnt from th xprinc.

指导老师 黄秀丽

标签: 乌鸦 crow drink water
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