字典翻译 作文 体裁作文 写人 A Busy Day

A Busy Day

写人   2025-02-22

Sh is vry busy today, just lik a busy b. In th morning, I had two sccsions and aftr that I had a lsson for my ILTS. I dont vn hav my lunch. Thr lots of popl in my ILTS class and most of thm cam from India. Th rason why thy want to attnt this cours is similar to m. Right now, I fl xhaustd and dont want to work, but I still hav lots homwork to do.

I also hav som othr problm. Last trm, I dcidd to start my nw trm in Nwcastl, and askd Jhon to giv my mony back. And now, I hav changd my mind, so told Jhon I did not want my fs back, but sh told m th chck had bn snt out for almost two wks. I havnt rcivd my chck until now, and I told hr th truth. Finally, sh said sh would hlp m to ask finaNcial officr to giv m anothr lttr, and thn aftr I sign that form vrything will b all right. What a absurd world it is. If I had not askd Jhon to giv my fs back, it would hav bcom much asir.

If my boy slp quitly, h will s th busy b, whn it has mad its hony fin, dancing in th bright sunshin. If my boy will slumbr, angls without numbr will draw nar, so fair and bright, for thy only com at night.

不够精彩? 再来一篇 我要投稿
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