字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 日出-The Sunrise

日出-The Sunrise

初中生作文   2025-03-12

日出-Th Sunris天刚蒙蒙亮,我就已经起床了。今天我打算去海边看日出。看,太阳就要出来了,周围的天空已经火红一片,海水都被染成了鲜红的颜色。渐渐地,太阳像一个硕大的鸡蛋黄慢慢跳出云层。刚开始,太阳的光还是柔和的。可过了一会儿,阳光突然变得耀眼起来,我再也不敢正视它了。新的一天又开始了。日出那迷人的景象会永远留在我的脑海中。

Th Sunris

Dawn is coming. I got up arly for th sunris. Look, th sun is coming out soon. Th sky around it has turnd to rd, just lik fir. Th sa watr is dyd into bright rd also. Gradually, th sun, which is lik a hug gg, is popping out of th clouds slowly. In th bginning, th sunshin is soft. A short tim latr,th sunshin bcoms so dazzling that I dard not look. Svral sagulls ar flying frly abov th watr. And thr coms a nw day. Th amazing scn of sunris will b always in my mind. I lov sunris.

标签: 机器人 闹钟
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