字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 My Vacation,My Vacation范文

My Vacation,My Vacation范文

初中生作文   2025-02-04

My Vacation,My Vacation范文My Vacation My vacation was vry intrsting. I did my homwork on first day. I playd tabl tnnis on scond day. I watchd TV on th third day. I wnt shopping on th fourth day. I… But I likd my going shopping bst.

On Sunday, I wnt to a shopping cntr with my mothr. Th shopping cntr wasn’t far from my hom. It took us about tn minuts to gt thr on foot. Th shopping cntr was vry big. Thr wr all kinds of things. vry day a lot of popl go thr to buy things. It opns at ight in th morning and closs at nin at night. Now, I was hlping my mothr buying things. I had a shopping list in my hand. W wr looking for things on th shopping list. Aftr staying in th shopping cntr for about two hours, w got all th things and walkd hom.

What did you do whn you wr on vacation? My Vacation

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