字典翻译 作文 读后感作文 选读推荐 英文之My favourite book

英文之My favourite book

选读推荐   2025-02-03

Do you know Harry Pottr? It’s on of my favourit spartim radings and it’s writtn by J. K. Rowling. Sh had th ida about Harry Pottr whn sh was on train, “Harry just walkd into my had.” Sh said latr. Sh startd writing th first dition of Harry Pottr th nxt day. Harry Pottr is a magical school studnt who wars glasss and has no parnts, now h is 16 yars old. H is vry brav and known by vryon bcaus h is th only prson who will not di by dvil. At school, h has two good frinds, thy ar Ron and Hnry. Whn rad th book my first tim, I fl vry xciting and intrsting. So I rad it again and again, ach tim I hav diffrnt flings, somtims I vn fl as if I’m on of Pottr’s partnrs. Now thr ar fiv dition of Harry Pottr publishd and thy ar vry popular with young studnts. Books about Harry Pottr hav sold millions of copis all ovr th world. Do you lik Harry Pottr? If you havn’t rad th book yt, rad it now and you’ll find a wondrful world.

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