字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 孩子的业余时间(What Should Children Do in Their Spare Time?)

孩子的业余时间(What Should Children Do in Their Spare Time?)

高中生作文   2025-02-22

today childrn ar oftn busir than adults, for thy hav to attnd som classs such as dancing and art at wknds or in th holidays.parnts think that thir childrn will bnfit from such classs. firstly, with th dvlopmnt of today's socity, comptitionwill b mor and mor intns. so only th mor vrsatil popl will hav bright prospcts. scondly, childrn will not wast thir tim playing gams. instad, thy can gain som knowldg. morovr, such classs can broadn thir horizons.howvr, i do not agr with th parnts. nowadays, many childrn hav bn dprivd of thir fr tim and bcom mchanical larnrs at th pric of thir own intrst. i think childrn should hav th rights to njoy thir childhood, and to play. in thir spar tim thy can do what thy want to do. gradually thy will discovr what thy ar intrstd in and do thir bst in rspctiv filds.

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