字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 My holiday-我的假期

My holiday-我的假期

初中生作文   2025-03-01

My holiday-我的假期 Summr holiday has alrady com. How happy am I!

Th favorit thing I wanna do is travling. I joind an outdoor club and wnt to th sasid in Zhjiang provinc with othr mmbrs. On July 20, w startd our journy at 21:00 in th vning. I was so slpy that I fll aslp in th bus.

Suddnly somon was pushing m. I opnd my ys and a bautiful sa was right thr. What a bautiful plac! W swam in th sa and playd bach vollyball. Th wind, th sunshin, th blu sky and th happy boys and girls formd a wondrful pictur! At noon, w cookd safood lik crabs, shrimps, sashlls and so on. Thy ar all so dlicious.

My mouth is now watring again. I will nvr forgt such intrsting xpirnc.

标签: 愉快 夏令营
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