字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 About near eyesight,About near eyesight范文

About near eyesight,About near eyesight范文

初中生作文   2025-02-28

About nar ysight,About nar ysight范文About nar ysight 由 Today, I found mor and mor studnts war glasss. It’s not a good phnomnon bcaus it mans mor and mor studnts can’t us thir ys in a right way. Aftr doing a survy, I think thr ar two rasons to caus nar ysight.

First, thr ar mor and mor computr gams in th 21st cntr, most boys lik play thm. Although gams ar intrsting, thir ysight bcam wors and wors at th sam tim. So thy had to war glasss.

Scondly, th studnts who lov rading storis want to rad all th tim, vn somtims thy rad thir novls until vry lat and thir ys bcom vry tird. Thir ys got wors bcaus thy didn’t us nough light to rad. Rading is fun, but rmmbrs to us nough light whn you rad. In th nd, thy had to war glasss, too.

W should tak this mattr sriously. Can you imagin that in th futur, all th popl nd glasss to hlp thm s clarly and without glasss, thy could s nothing? About nar ysight 由

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