字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 好奇心与创造能力(Curiosity and creativity)

好奇心与创造能力(Curiosity and creativity)

高中生作文   2025-03-10


Curiosity and crativity ar intrdpndnt on ach othr. Only whn on is curious about somthing, can h oprat his mind and gnrat somthing crativ. And whn crativity is in full opration and rsults in things which nvr xistd bfor, on gts mor and mor curious about things happning all around him. But curiosity and crativity ar diffrnt in that curiosity is th motivating forc which nds action for it to bcom crativity. If on stops at th stag of curiosity, h will nd up good for nothing.

标签: true beauty 真正
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