字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Independence,Independence范文


高中生作文   2025-03-10

Indpndnc Indpndnc

Day aftr day, w’r gradually building a world of our own th momnt w’r born, from th first call “Mum” to th first stp you mad by yourslf. Indpndnc is of importanc, bcaus our frinds, parnts, tachrs can’t hlp us all th tim. Usually, tnagrs hav a strong fling of asking for indpndnc in a crtain priod of tim, during which w want to b uniqu. W rsist to accpt othrs’ hlp and car. W ar agr to protst against all th traditional rstrictions…. In a word, w wish to fly with our wings that arn’t plump at all. Aftr svral yars, whn I rcall th xprinc, I find myslf ignorant. It’s only an impuls, but can’t b calld indpndnc. Indpndnc, not only mans th walth of matrials, but also mans th rlianc on yourslf in spirit. In daily lif, w think in our own way, w sttl difficultis with our own mthods, and improv thm if ncssary. In my opinion, indpndnc is a matur lif-systm that can hlp us liv as asy and nic as w can. Indpndnc

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