字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Who Am I?-我是谁?,Who Am I?-我是谁?范文

Who Am I?-我是谁?,Who Am I?-我是谁?范文

初中生作文   2025-03-07

Who Am I?-我是谁?,Who Am I?-我是谁?范文Who Am I?-我是谁? I am Li Ming. I am thirtn yars old. I study at No. 2 Middl School. My mothr, a doctor, works in a childrn's hospital. My fathr, a tachr, works in a middl school. I work hard, and I am a good studnt.

I work hard on my lssons, and I also hav many hobbis. I lik playing football, and chatting with frinds on th Intmt.

I lov my family. 我是李明。13岁,在2中上学。我妈妈是医生,她在一家儿童医院上班乃我的爸爸是一个老师,在中学工作。我学习很努力,成绩很好。


我爱我的家庭。My nam is Li Ming. I, thirtn yars old, am a studnt in No. 2 Middl School. My parnts ar kind and frindly. Thy lov m vry much. My mothr is a doctor and my fathr is a tachr.Thy work hard. I study hard as a studnt. I lov my parnts.

I am intrstd in playing football and chatting with frinds on th Intmt. I hav othr hobbis, such as swimming, rading books, tc.. 我的名字叫李明,十三岁,在二中上学。我的父母很和善,也很友好,他们很爱我。我妈妈是医生,爸爸是老师,他们工作很努力。我作为学生努力学习。我爱我的父母。

我对踢球和上网聊天感兴趣。我也有其它爱好,如游泳、读书等。 Who Am I?-我是谁?

标签: 寂寞 唱歌
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