保护水资源-Conserving Water Resource
Consrving Watr Rsourc(保护水资源)
Consrving Watr Rsourc
Watr is indispnsabl to our lif and th dvlopmnt of national conomy. It is oftn dscribd as th sourc of all living things and th lifblood of agricultur and industry. Without it, nothing could grow and out world would bcom a trribl dsrt.
Th world w liv in is now facd with a svr shortag of frsh watr. According to som official figurs, mor than 1,700 million popl in th world don't hav nough clar watr to drink and ovr 25 thousand popl di of watr rlatd disass daily.
So, all of us should activly b sav watr. It's our obligation for th bnfit of th futur gnrations.