字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 The Bright Light(明亮的灯光)

The Bright Light(明亮的灯光)

高中生作文   2025-03-08

vry night I pass by my nighbor's window, I can s th bright light through it. Th light looks spcially bright coming from th dp dark night.

On night at about lvn o'clock, it happnd that I had somthing urgnt to tll my nighbor. So I wnt to thir hous. Whn I ntrd th room, I saw a thin girl absorbd in studying. I was informd that sh was vry industrious but faild in th Collgntranc xamination last yar. vn so, sh nvr gav up and was ncouragd to go on studying hard and try again. vry day sh would study hard in th light until lat into th night. Thrfor, th bright light was not only a companion to hr but also a proof of hr dilignc.

A fw days latr, I mt hr again. Sh told m that vn if sh couldn't pass th Collg ntranc xamination, sh would nvr giv up studying. Whn sh said this, I saw th bright light and bgan to undrstand th saying "Whr thr is a will, thr is a way." 每晚路过邻家,我都能望见那透过窗户的明亮灯光。在漆黑的深夜里,灯光越发显得明亮。


几天后,我又一次与她相遇了。她告诉我即便考不上大学,她也不放弃学习。她的话发人深思,让我看到了光明,真正明白了“有志者,事竟成”这句谚语的含义。 I usually com hom lat at midnight. vry night I pass by my nighbor's window, I can s th bright light through it.

On Tusday night I cam hom lat as usual. Whn I unlockd th door, I found a not saying, "On of your frinds has lft you somthing important in my hous. Your nighbor." Sinc th light was on, I wnt to knock at th door. ntring th hous, I found a young lady of ightn or so absorbd in hr study. I larnt from hr mothr that sh faild in th Collg ntranc xamination last yar. vn so, sh nvr gav up and was ncouragd to go on studying hard and try again. Th bright light was not only a companion to hr but also a proof of hr dilignc.

A fw days latr, I mt hr again. W had a talk for a whil and sh told m that vn if sh couldn't succd , sh wouldn't giv up studying. Whn sh said this, I saw that bright light and bgan to undrstand th saying "Whr thr is a will, thr is a way." 我通常午夜时分才回家。每晚从邻居家经过,都会看见那透过窗户的明亮灯光。


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