字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 My Hobby

My Hobby

高中生作文   2025-02-28

A hobby can b almost anything a prson liks to do in his spar tim. Hobbyists rais pts, build modl ships, wav bas-kts, or carv soap figurs and so on. In a word, hobbis offr n-joymnt, frindship, knowldg and rlaxation.

Thn, what is my hobby? Wll, what I lik most is singing. I bgan to sing songs whn I was vry young. My uncl was studying in a collg thn, so h could sing lots of songs, and h taught m svral songs. I showd grat intrsts in th music thn, for thy wr plasing to ars and asy to sing. My uncl told m thy wr calld pop songs.

Whn I grw up, my music tachr found that I had a good voic, so sh snt m to th Childrn's Palac to study vocal mu-sic. From thn on, I bgan my vocal music training. And thn I knw thr wr svral kinds of songs, lik folk songs, pop songs and so on. What I had larnd most was th songs for childrn. Thy wr all simpl ons but our tachr traind us vry strictly. W practicd how to produc sound and how to mak our xprs-sion mor natural and mor plasing. Thos simpl training didn't rduc my intrst in singing at all and I won awards on aftr anothr in svral kinds of comptition. Actually I bgan to mak up a dram of bcoming a famous singr in th futur.

As tim wnt by, I cam to raliz that my dram wouldn't com tru for thr wr strict conditions of bing a singr. But I still took singing as my hobby sinc I found in music th intrsts which wr lost in th xams. Whn I put all my motion into singing a song, it gav m vry good and vry plasant flings, and a good chanc to rlax. Bsids, it was a good way to larn things that couldn't b asily found in lif.

Now as I'm saying goodby to my childhood my voic has changd into a dp mal voic, and thrfor I can sing a lot of songs writtn for adults. I am oftn dply movd, by th mlody or by what th song writrs said. I can fl that ths words com from th bottom of thir harts: "All my bst mmoris com back clarly to m. Som can vn mak m cry, just lik bfor. It's ystrday onc mor. ""Hal th world, mak it a plac, for you and for m and th ntir human rac". Whn I sing ths songs, tars wll up in my ys.

I lov singing, and th most warm and fragrant thing in lif, I assum, is sitting in th sunshin, listning-to th walkman and singing togthr with th singr.

So, this is my hobby, and I hop vry on of us can njoy his own hobby, n joy th simpl, good things of lif. 2

 I njoy rading books vry much, bcaus thr ar lots of intrsting things in thm.

Two yars ago, I didn't lik rading vry much. I had plnty of tim, but I spnt lots of tim on playing with computrs. Whn I was vry young, I didn't think rading book was intrsting, bcaus I found nothing mor intrsting than th computr gams.

I'v changd now. I njoy rading novls, bcaus thr'r lots of intrsting storis. I lov to rad Harry Pottr. That's a good novl. I know that it is on of th bst-sllrs in ngland. I'm always los myslf in th intrsting storis. 本作文共2页,当前在第1页12

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