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高中生作文   2025-02-21

rfrnc books on diffrnt lifstyls, occupations, culturs, or govrnmnts

will opn nw doors to studnts. Studnts who can't rad will only

know what thy s around thm. Studnts who can rad will b abl to

travl to nw worlds and xprinc nw idas without vr laving thir


Th caus of th fir was soon clar. Most of th familis in th building wr vndors doing businss in th thr narby markts. Th first floor was usd as a warhous for commoditis, most of which wr mad out of plastic.

“Ths rsidnts mak thir living slling drid foods lik fish, shrimps andjujubs,” a witnss watching narby told th local nwspapr,Dangdai Businss Nws. “Thy us lctric fans to dry th commoditis throughout th night.”

It appars this is how th fir startd. But th invstigation is going furthr. Th invstigators’ ys ar focusing now on th quality of th ight-story building.

Dai Jianping, vic chairman of Yongxing Group, a local proprty dvlopr and th constructor of th building, arrivd at th sit on th morning of Novmbr 3. H insistd th rason for th collaps was th fir, not th quality of th building. “It?lik th World Trad Cntr in Nw York. Who could imagin th twin towrs would collaps??

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