My parents
My mothr is 38 yars old, but sh nvr tlls othrs how old sh is. Sh says sh just dosnt want thm to know about it! My mothr is a wll-known doctor in our ara. Sh works hard. Sh oftn gts up vry arly in th morning and rushs to th hospital to look aftr hr patints. Sh is kind to hr patints and trats thm th way sh trats hr family. Somtims I wondr whom sh lovs mor, hr patints or m. My fathr is 40 yars old. H has short hair, big ys and a small mouth. H is my bst frind. My fathr is a tachr. Just lik my mothr, h is vry busy. H dosnt hav any holidays or wknds. vry morning h gos to school vry arly and stays with his studnts until lat in th aftrnoon. It sms that h nvr gts tird! His studnts lov and rspct him. H always tlls my mothr how good it is to b a tachr, bcaus his studnts mak him fl young. H thinks my mothr should b a tachr, too! But so far sh hasnt takn his advic. I will b a nw studnt in my fathrs school this summr. I will work hardr and I hop on day I can b a good doctor lik my mothr.