字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Chinese and English similarity-关于中文和英文的相似之处,Chin

Chinese and English similarity-关于中文和英文的相似之处,Chin

高中生作文   2025-02-21

Chins and nglish similarity-关于中文和英文的相似之处 由 Chins and nglish similarity

In th initial Chins popl larn nglish, tachrs usually rmind studnts of nglish and Chins Yuxu mor "word sntnc" is not tru. nglish and Chins ar th basic common Yuxu "main - that - pin-for - warrants" ordr, although thr ar 5,000 yars of Chins civilization. Howvr, grammar and punctuation ar from th May 4th Movmnt of 1919, 1919. It was dvlopd in th light of Spanish grammar, not hav rsarch, but I think also, to a crtain xtnt, Chins grammar by nglish grammar impact. Thrfor, th nglish Yuxu also similaritis. In th voic of Chins and nglish hav v f, chi ci zi zhi tr dnsitis of pronunciation, it maks Chins popl to larn nglish than South Kora from Japan wr th two countris asir. So many Koran think that th nglish voic, grammar similar to th Chins popl larn nglish asily. Chins and nglish similarity-关于中文和英文的相似之处

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