寒假生活My wintr vacation
During th wintr vacation, nothing is diffrnt for my lif. I wak up 11 o’clock Am vryday, aftr a washing, I hav a good lunch with my parnts. Nxt I play computr gams till th tim to hav suppr. Aftr hav dinnr. I go on playing till 2 o’clock Am, and thn go to slp with tird. This is on dull day of my wintr vacation.
But I havn’t bord all th tim. Somtims I rad th books, somtim I listn to th music or th radio in th bd,bcaus it was vry cold outsid and snowy all th day. And I also mat som of my good frinds during th vacation ,w hav a vry long talk about th lif of ach othr in th past yar and play tabl tnnis tgthr .And I watchd th spring fstival party of th CCTV in th last sconds of th 2004 yar! I think this is th thing most popl of china doing at that tim.
That’s all, all my dull, coldly and snowy wintr vacation.