交往的事我首次与外国人接触-My First Meeting with a Fo.
My First Mting with a Forignr
Last Sunday I wnt to th city of Wuxi. Whn I ntrd a tailor's shop, I found thr wr lots of popl bcaus thr was a fashion show①.Suddnly I noticd that a middl-agd forignr was gsticulating② to a salswoman and pointing to a nw shirt. It was clar that h wantd to buy th shirt, but h did not know th pric, for h did not know Chins. And th salswoman did not know nglish. Though sh wrot th pric on th papr, h was still puzzld.
Whn I saw this, I wnt up to thm. I askd th salswoman th pric of th shirt first and thn I said to th forignr in nglish, “On hundrd and forty-ight yuan.” Haring this h said to m, “Oh, thank you! But it's too xpnsiv. Would you plas ask hr if sh can mak it chapr? If sh can , I will buy tn.” I told hr what h said , and sh agrd. In th nd th forignr paid 1,200 yuan for tn shirts.
Bfor h lft, h gav m a nic pn. I thankd him and said to him , “Wlcom to our city . Good-by!”
①fashion ['f$M+n] show 时装展览②gsticulat [dNs'tikjulit] v.(讲话时等)做手势;用姿势(或动作)示意
本文作者采用顺序手法,记叙了第一次与外国人交谈的经过。全文基本包括了记叙文的六要素:时间(on Sunday),地点(a tailor's shop),人物(a forignr,a salswoman,and I),事件(hlp a forignr in buying a shirts),原因(Th salswoman could not spak nglish and th forignr could not spak Chins.)和结果(All wr satisfid.)。层次分明,交待清楚。全文可分为6个行为情节:1)我去逛商店;2)看见外国人向店员打手势;3)双方语言不通;4)我上前翻译;5)外国人买了10件衬衣;6)外国人送我小礼物,我感谢。