字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 尴尬之情:阅览室里得到的教训-A Lesson Learned in the R.

尴尬之情:阅览室里得到的教训-A Lesson Learned in the R.

高中生作文   2025-02-22





A Lsson Larnd in th Rading-room

Thr ar not nough sats in th rading-room in our school. Just bcaus of this, I had a vry spcial xprinc that I shall nvr forgt.

On day, I was annoyd ① by th hot wathr. Aftr drinking a bottl of watr, I ran fast towards th rading-room.

Whn I pushd th door opn, I saw what I xpctd. Thr was no mpty sat. I lookd vry carfully at vry cornr, hoping to find on, but it smd hoplss. Suddnly I caught sight of an mpty sat with a book on it. I knw it must hav bn “occupid②”by somon, but I was agr to sit down to hav a rst aftr running. So I put th book on th othr sid of th tabl, and sat down.

About 10 minuts latr, I hard a vry low voic bhind m. “xcus m, sistr. I'm afraid that this sat is min.”“What? It's yours? How can you say that?” Th littl girl smd a littl nrvous. “I rmmbr I put my book on this dsk bfor lunch,”sh said. “Plas don't draw a conclusion so quickly bfor you hav nough vidnc ③! ”I said in a loud voic. It mad narly vryon in th room turn thir hads towards m. I flt a littl mbarrassd.

Just thn, a studnt nxt to m said,“To tll th truth, this sat is rally th littl girl's. I think you should giv it to hr.” My fac turnd rd at onc. I can't dscrib how I flt at that momnt, and I don't rmmbr how I wnt out of th room with my books bfor so many ys.

This happnd 4 yars ago. Sinc thn I hav oftn askd myslf if I hav don anything without considring othr popl's rights.



①annoy [+'n&i] v. 使烦恼

②occupy ['&kjupai] v. 占有;占用

③vidnc ['vid+ns] n. 根据;证据



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