字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 My School-我的学校

My School-我的学校

初中生作文   2025-02-21

My School-我的学校 My School

I study in th No. I middl school, whr thr ar thr grads and thirty-two classs. It is not big but vry bautiful.

In th cntr of th school thr is a nw taching building, which is vry clan and bautiful. Th lab building and th library ar to th ast of th nw building. Thr all kinds of book in th library. You can nioy thm as many as you lik.

South of th nw building lis a playground and it's vry big. On th playground, you can hav sports such as football. basktball. You'd bttr play basktball as thr ar four basktball grounds in our school, You can njoy yourslf vry much.

Thr ar many trs in our school.Grass is vrywhr. In front of th nw building thr ar two gardns in which, thr ar flowrs of all colours.

W ar studying hard in our school, Our lif is happy and intcrcsting. I lov our school vry much.






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