字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 童年趣事(Childhood anecdotes)

童年趣事(Childhood anecdotes)

初中生作文   2025-03-01

童年趣事(Childhood ancdots)i’d lik to tll you somthing about my childhood. whn i was six yars old, i was a lovly girl!on day, my fathr saw som fish in th rivr, so h askd m, “why can fish only liv in watr?” i thought about it, thn i gav him th answr, “bcaus thr ar som cats on th bank.” my fathr laughd whn h hard that. thn h said, “you ar smart!” i was happy to har that.mayb you will say, “it’s a funny answr.” now, i think, it is vry intrsting. and now i am smart. my parnts lov m vry much. i am so happy to hav that childhood.

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