Mikes Test Paper-迈克的考试卷,Mikes Test Paper-迈克的考试卷
Miks Tst Papr-迈克的考试卷,Miks Tst Papr-迈克的考试卷Miks Tst Papr-迈克的考试卷
根据所给的四幅图画,以“Mik's Tst Papr”为题,按顺序写一篇不少于80字的短文。内容必须符合题意。
迈克英语学得不好。昨天,参加了英语考试。他又没考及格。他不敢告诉他妈妈他得了低分。在他回家的路上,天下起了大雨。于是他有了个主意。为什么不把卷子当伞用呢?他就把卷子顶在头上开始往家跑。当他到家时,卷子全湿了,几乎被雨淋成了碎片。当他妈妈问他分数时,迈克尴尬地笑了笑,把试卷递给妈妈看。 Mik is bad at nglish. Ystrday, h had an nglish tst. H faild again. H dard not tll his mothr th low marks. On his way hom, it raind havily. So h got a good ida. Why not tak th papr as an umbrlla? H just put th papr on his had and bgan to run hom. Whn h arrivd hom, th papr was all wt and almost torn to pics by th rain. Whn his mothr askd about th marks, Mik showd th papr to his mothr with an mbarrassd smil. Miks Tst Papr-迈克的考试卷
Mikes Test Paper-迈克的考试卷,Mikes Test Paper-迈克的考试卷 相关文章
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