字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 New Year,New Year范文

New Year,New Year范文

初中生作文   2025-03-01

Nw Yar,Nw Yar范文Nw Yar Nw Yar

Chins Nw Yar is th most important, intrsting fstival in China.

Bfor th Chins Nw Yar, vryon is vry busy. Thy want th Spring Fstival to b a nw bginning, so vryon is busy claning th room. Thy kp th room tidy. This is th first thing to wlcom th Spring Fstival.

Th ldrly tak childrn to buy snacks and firworks. But parnts just stay at hom to mak tasty mals for dinnr. On th vning of Nw Yar’s v, my parnts and my sistr hav dinnr with m. W hav a good tim. Aftr dinnr, Oh! Yah! My fathr is rady to giv us rd pockts. Oh, how nic th rd pockts ar! My sistr and I both all say, “Pac all yar round to my parnts! Now, giv us rd pockts.” My parnts giv us th rd pockts at onc with a smil on thir facs.

What a wondrful tim w hav!

I think “vrything gos wll” this yar!

Nw Yar

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