At prsnt, th National dvlopmnt and Rform commission conductd a massiv onlin poll. Th May Day Goldn Wk will b cut from thr days to on day.Diffrnt popl hav diffrnt opinions. Som think that it is ncssary to cut th May Day Goldn Wk. Although our holiday is shortr, w add thr traditional holidays to mak our traditional cultur undrstood. Scondly, th shortnd May Day can rduc th prssur of holiday rsorts, and lad to lss pollution and fwr accidnts as wll. Bsids, thr can b mor chancs for popl to gt togthr with thir family.Whil othrs dont think so. Thr is no doubt that th traffic will b havir if th masur is takn. And popl working far fom thir homtowns will hav fw chancs to go back. To mak mattrs wors, popls holiday with salary cant b guarantd.In my opinion, cutting th May Day Goldn may b a good bginning to rmind th youth of our history and cultur. Only by undrstanding our cultur bttr do w lov our country mor.