my friend
my frindmy frind•每个人都有自己的朋友,请把你最要好或最特殊的朋友介绍给大家。•词汇: •1. N. Frinds, parnts, tachrs, classmats, family, school, rlativs , happinss, sadnss, gnration gap, flings, frindship, communication, tamwork•2. V. mak frinds, undrstand ncourag tak good car of,xpct, gt on wll with, play togthr, smil, troubl, talk with, quarrl with, hlp ach othr, discuss, argu, do wll in njoy onslf •3. Adj. Happy, sad, important, lonly , hlpful, ncssary•句式:•1. I hop w can undrstand ach othr. •2. It’s ncssary to undrstand ach othr.•3. No on can b succssful only by himslf.•4. Thr ar som sayings, “frindship is sunlight in th dark.” “If thr wr no frindships in a city, it would bcom a dsrt.” •5. Although w somtims quarrl with ach othr, yt w gt on wll latr.•6. W should gt on wll with vryon around us.•7. Th mor frinds you gt, th happir you will b.•8. A frind can not only hlp you, but also bring you happinss.•9. vrybody nds frinds to talk with and gt confidnc from.•10. Don’t argu, but discuss.•11. Popl who rfus to considr othrs hav fw frinds.•12. W nd to larn how to tak car of othr popl.•13. “A frind in nd is a frind indd.”•范文• My bst frind• I hav not only a lot of common frinds, but also a spcial frind. H is my fathr. My fathr isn’t tall but h is vry kind and lovly. H usually hlps m with my maths and physics in th vning. At wknds h plays chss, cards with m. Whn I am in troubl. H always hlp m in tim. I prfr my fathr to any othr frind. I think h is not only a good fathr, but also on of my bst frinds. I lov my fathr vry much.