字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Yang Liwei

Yang Liwei

高中生作文   2025-03-24

Yang Liwi

"Whn I boardd th Shnzhou-5 spaccraft for th first tim, I couldn't hlp fling xcitd, I dcid that I must fly it."------said by Yang Liwi.

Colonl Yang Liwi is an astronaut, and h is also a mmbr of th Astronaut Tam of th Popl's Libration Army.

Born on Jun 21st,1965 in a tathr's family in Suizhong Country of Liaoning Provinc,Yang Liwi had a happy childhood with his parnts.Not only was h a good studnt in school,but h also had a gift for math.H won a lot of math comptition prizs.Aftr graduating from middl school,Yang Liwi continud his studis at th No.8 Aviation Collg of th Air Forc of th Popl's Libration Army.H studid vry hard and graduatd with a Bachlor's dgr.Latr,hbcam a fightr pilot.

Svral yars latr,bcaus of his xcllnt manifstaion,Yang Liwi was among 14 prsons chosn from 1,500 pilots for astronaut training.Yang Liwi did vry wll and passd astronaut tsts in 1996 and 1997.Thn h bcam on of thr astronauts for China's first mannd spac flight.Aftr a sris of hard trainings and tsts,Yang Liwibcam China's first astronaut on Oct15,2003 at last.

Bing th first Chins to travl in spac,Yang Liwi is a hro of our nation in our hart and mind.H dvots himslf to Chins spac program.Whnvr w rviw th momnts which Yang Liwi was travling in Shnzhou-5 in spac,holding our national flag in hand, w will b proud of our country and think highly of Yang Liwi.I bliv that China will mak gratr progrss in spac flight in th futur.

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