一只导盲狗(Seeing Eye Dog)
一只导盲狗(Sing y Dog)A blind man is walking down th strt with his sing-y dog on day. Thy com to a busy intrsction, and th dog, ignoring th high volum of traffic zooming by on th strt, lads th blind man right out into th thick of traffic.This is followd by th scrch of tirs and horns blaring as panickd drivrs try dspratly not to run th pair down.Th blind man and th dog finally rach th safty of th sidwalk on th othr sid of th strt, and th blind man pulls a cooki out of his coat pockt, which h offrs to th dog.A passrby, having obsrvd th nar fatal incidnt, can't control his amazmnt and says to th blind man.
一只导盲狗(Seeing Eye Dog) 相关文章
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