Throughout its xistnc of mor than 150 yars, th xpo will bring nw knowldg from a spcific priod of tim and trnd of dvlopmnt, rflcting th human civilization. Th main attractions of th first sssion of th World xpo in 1851 in th Crystal Palac in London: almost 500 mtrs long palac built of cast iron and glass. Subsquntly, th participating countris will offr similar advantags to introduc from tim to tim vry fw yars.
Today XPO is th conomic and cultural Olympiad of th world, a comptition among nations, as wll as among xhibitors from th privat sctor on a givn subjct. At th sam tim, it is about markting countris intrnationally. xpositions of th first catgory last a maximum of 6 months and may b hld on an normous ara. But at a tim whn information as wll as goods can b had through th intrnt and othr tchnologis, thy rmain a plac of rndzvous and of authntic xprincs.