字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 My Mother-我的母亲,My Mother-我的母亲范文

My Mother-我的母亲,My Mother-我的母亲范文

初中生作文   2025-02-17

My Mothr-我的母亲,My Mothr-我的母亲范文My Mothr-我的母亲 My Mothr

My Mothr isa kind and gntl woman. Sh is always vry gntl. Sh taks good car of hr childrn and kps thm all at school. I hav on brothr and two sistts. So sh gts four childrn in all. Sh givs us vry comfort. W all lov hr and sh lovs us also.

My mothr has too much to do in bringing us up. As our family is too poor to kp a srvant, my mothr has always to do vry much work. Sh gts up vry arly and slps vry lat vry day. Sh works hard, yt without complaining.

Sh is also a thrifty, and industrious woman. Sh savs vry cnt that sh can and kps vrything in ordr. As sh has bn busy vrsinc sh was young, sh looks oldr than sh rally is. Hr fac is wrinkld, hr hair bcoms silvr whit, but sh works as hard as vr.

Oftn sh says to us, "work whil you work, play whil you play. If you do not work, you will bcom lazy and of no us to socity." What pic of good advic this is! W must worth it wll and always kp it in our mind.






My Mothr-我的母亲

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