My Family
My FamilyHllo! vryon. Hr’s a photo of my family.Look! th girl in rd is myslf. I’m Gu Tingyan. My nglish nam is Wndy. Plas call m Wndy, bcaus I lik it. I’m tall and thin. My ys ar big. My hair is short.I lik rading, skating, drawing and nglish. I’m vry clvr. I’m th top studnt in my class. All th tachrs and classmats lik m and I lik thm, too.Th man on th right is my fathr. H is also vry tall. H’s handsom. H always wars a pair of glasss. My fathr is an nglish tachr of middl school.Somtims w larn nglish togthr. My fathr liks basktball. H is good at it. H always plays basktball with his workmats.Th woman on th lft is my mothr. In my ys, sh’s vry bautiful. Sh is tall, too. My mothr has a round fac, two big ys and a small nos. Hr hair is long.My mothr is a doctor. Sh works vry hard. Sh liks smiling. Sh’s vry kind. I think my mothr is a good houswif. Sh can mak dlicious dinnr and sh can do th houswork wll. Somtims I hlp hr.I hav a happy family. I lik my fathr and my mothr.