学校和家(School And Home)
i’m a snior high school studnt. our school is a lodgabl on. as i’m a lodgr, i lov my school vry much. for school is my scond hom. though i can’t do what i want to do——lik watching tv、going to bd whn i want、staying with my parnts, i think living in school is bttr. bcaus it is good for m to dvlop my indpndnt ability and i can stay with many classmats. also som tachrs ar in th school in th vning. so i fl happy and i don’t fl lonly.school is my hom. school lif is nic. in th morning w gt up at 6:00. in ordr to kp our bdchambr clan, w must clan it vryday. at hom my grandma oftn dos this work. but at school i must do it myslf. aftr vning study, w go back to dormitory. from 9:10 to 9:50 ths tim rally blongs to us. w can listn to walkman, go to othr bdchambr and talk with othr classmat and at som food.last friday w hld our 43rd school sports mting. and our class win th scond priz. but w didn’t fl vry happy bcaus w didn’t win th first priz. but i think w hav a clar conscinc if w hav don our bst.our school lif is nic and our school is also bautiful. thr ar som virscncs around our school. and thr is a big playground in th wst of our school. thr ar many buildings in our school. this yar w hav a computr and a projction machin in ach class. now w can hav a multimdia class. it is mor intrsting lifliknss. also ach tachr has a computr and a dsk. th stablishmnt of our school is bttr. so w must study hardr.i lov my school!i lov my hom!