At th mmory of my childhood, apart from outsid th Chins Nw Yar Dragon Boat Fstival on a numbr of th most livly, and bcaus parnts ar busy job, a child usually with my grandmothr to stay in th countrysid togthr. Dragon Boat Fstival at that tim to mak m unforgttabl.
With th usual, lik th Chins Lunar Nw Yar, Dragon Boat Fstival th day bfor at night, so my grandmothr will always obdintly sat bdsid, giv m som holiday ruls, such as "talking nonsns not to" "not allowd to at cold tzu" "not allowd with small partnrship rough "" not allowd to play in th watr "... ... I hav always bn grantd to his had. Grandma lt m arly, so that tomorrow can hav a good spirit.
Good morning, I got up arly, gt drssd on th first toward th kitchn, whn th grandmothr has th kitchn to manag vrything wll, cooking up a fw bundls tid and Gui Gui laf rop, th nothing glutinous ric lying quitly filld a small buckt of watr, lik a parl Jingying, cooking bnchs placd on som of th small dishs, which containing various matrials: thr is panuts, thr is rd ban past, thr is mat, rd pond.
So I sat ating brakfast tabl and watchd busy grandmothr.
Th countrysid ar on both sids of th cooking, whil usd to boil watr whil cooking to cooking and grandmothr had alrady cland th duck Add big pot, woodn ladl scoop from anothr pot of hot watr a fw dippr Add cauldron of watr, and thn also carfully Add 1 tsp salt, and thn Tim foci in a fw branchs, it has bn sitting nxt to m startd to giv my son a sris ntwork.
Grandmothr's hand bcaus of th long-trm labor has rough bark lik a gnral, but without losing dxtrity, an nvlop with rd string wovn into th sub on.
At this point, th ggs ar cookd, th grandmothr pickd up on of th largst on th us of rd papr rd dy, and thn do a clan cloth, into yard, hanging on my nck. Thn, my grandmothr pockt containing sds, candy, panuts, oftn vry happy to m, bcaus this way I can and small partnrs to look at a dragon boat rac.
Grandmothr always put m to th gat, askd th want m to com back as soon as possibl to at tzu. I always fll on th disappard.
Small partnrs at this tim ar almost , and Sistrs from th big had nxt door, ld us to th rivr this group watch dragon-boat rac. Bcaus of th smallr rivrs, so only two of th dragon boat, ach boat has 13 individuals, 12 individuals paddl, on individual Ta and shouting slogans, "On, Two, Hy Yo, on, two, as soon as possibl," 12 dark young man movs natly划着, two dragon boat saild forward catch.
Howvr, th childrn will know what look? W ar only just a bustling Fig. Girls in gnral saw a momnt, w found that boring, and sat to on sid from snacks to shar, boys, it is not, of thir total njoy chasing th dragon boat rac down th shor, bcaus of th popl paddling up th largr, almost vry boys who hav significant tracs of watr splashing.
, and ar prhaps a boat to th nd of th bar, just things finishd, stood up, with partnrs go hand happily go hom.
Th sun is also slowly climbing th air, th kitchn has a bay laf fragranc, and I quickly jumpd on th kitchn, th has bn th major tzu. In gnral, I would put that on th thrshold sit tzu at clan, and occasionally thr will b a fw ric grains to at chickn and watch th grdy big cock-lik, I was also amusd ... ...
Today, vn though ovr th Dragon Boat Fstival, th mothr vry yar packag tzu, mad giv my son, vn though th mothr's skill is not lss than th grandmothr, but I always fl that what lss.
I rally miss th Dragon Boat Fstival childhood ah!
于是,我就坐在桌上一边 吃着早饭一边看着外婆忙碌着。