字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 My family

My family

初中生作文   2025-03-07

My familyHllo, vryon, I’m Liu Dongdong. I’m a studnt. Thr ar thr popl in my family—my fathr, mothr and I.rQT英语作文网

My fathr is 40 yars old. H is a workr. I think h is a good workr. Bcaus h works vry hard. H gts up vry arly vry day and h works for mor than 10 hours a day. So h is always busy, h looks vry tird whn h gts hom. H liks rading nwspaprs. H usually rads it aftr suppr. So h gts lots of nws.rQT英语作文网

My mothr is 38 yars old. Sh is a workr too. Sh works in a vry small factory. Sh is not tall and sh has two big ys. Sh lovs m and sh is good for m. Sh always buys som books for m. Sh wants m to b a top studnt. Sh also cars for my dit and lif.rQT英语作文网

I’ m 15 yars old. I war glasss. I lik rading. I always rad books aftr school. I lik singing, too. My favorit singr is Jay Chou. His music is vry nic. What do you think of him? I also lik making frinds. If you want to mt m, plas writ to m.rQT英语作文网

Oh, my parnts lov m and I lov thm, too. My family is a happy family.

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