游览金山-A Visit to Gloden Hill
游览金山-A Visit to Glodn Hill 昨天,我和我的朋友们一起去我们家乡最大的公园——金山公园游玩。我们一进公园,就被那么多盛开的鲜花惊呆了。我们沿着小河散步,享受着那迷人的景色。鱼儿在水里自由地游着。最有趣的事情莫过于爬金山了。山并不太高,但很难爬。我们爬了二十分钟才到达山顶。我们从山顶往下看,多么漂亮的城市风光啊!高楼大厦,鳞次栉比,汽车在宽阔的马路上行驶,长江水滚滚东流去,白云朵朵飘浮在我们头顶。真是快乐的一天呀! Ystrday my frinds and I wnt to Goldn Hill, th biggst park in our homtown. Whn w ntrd th park, w wr surprisd to s somany flowrs. Thy all fully blossomd. W walkd along th rivrsid,njoying th charming viw. Fishs in th watr wr swimming frly.
Th most intrsting thing was to climb th Goldn Hill. It was not toohigh, but it was difficult to climb. W mountd it aftr twnty minuts. Wlookd at th city from th top of th hill. What a bautiful city it was!Thr stood countlss tall buildings. Many cars wr running along widstrts. Th Yangtz Rivr was pouring to th ast. Whit clouds wr justabov our hads. W rally had a good tim that day.