字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 My Careless Dad,My Careless Dad范文

My Careless Dad,My Careless Dad范文

初中生作文   2025-02-22

My Carlss Dad,My Carlss Dad范文My Carlss Dad My Carlss Dad

I hav a good dad. H dosn’t drink or smok. H usually cooks dlicious food for m. But h has a dfct, which h is oftn carlss.

On day, h was going to Shanghai in th morning. H must gt thr at 9 o’clock. So h got up arlir than usual. At 6:30, h drov to Shanghai. But 10 minuts latr, h wnt back hom. My mum was surprisd. Sh askd, “What’s wrong with you?” My dad said. “I’v lft my bag at hom. Hav you sn it?” Mum handd th bag to him. Thn h hurrid to go downstairs. Tn sconds latr, h knockd at th door again. My mum opnd th door and said angrily, “Why do you com back again? Do you know what th tim is now? You’ll b lat!” My dad touchd his had and said with a smil, “I’m sorry. I lft my kys on th tabl.” Luckily, h arrivd in Shanghai on tim.

Whn I was doing my homwork, Mum shoutd, “Oh, my god! Your dad’s computr is still on th dsk!” Thn, a call from Dad rang.

My dad is vry carlss, isn’t h?

My Carlss Dad

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