汤姆巡航的游戏室(Tom Cruise's Suri playroom)
cast mmbr tom cruis attnds th prmir of "tropic thundr" at th mann's villag thatr in wstwood, california august 11, 2008. th movi opns in th u.s. on august 13.[agncis]tom cruis and kati holms bought a nw york apartmnt and turnd it into a playroom for thir daughtr suri.th hollywood coupl hav rportdly bn purchasing svral apartmnts in th 12-story building, and thought two-yar-old suri could bnfit from a biggr ara to kp hr toys in.a sourc said: "tom and kati now kp fiv units in th building. thy turnd on into suri's playroom. on thy us for a gym, and two apartmnts ar for staff. in th past coupl of months thy'v bought up all ths othr apartmnts. thy'r all sparat and on diffrnt floors."howvr, whil 'mission: impossibl' star tom has bn attmpting to mix with th nighbours, kati - who is in th city starring in broadway play 'all my sons' - has bn kping to hrslf.th sourc addd to th nw york post nwspapr: "tom is sn coming in and out all th tim, and h's rally frindly to vryon h mts. but kati just kind of kps hr had down. vryon in th nighbourhood is buzzing about it."a rprsntativ for th coupl dnid th claims.