字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 日记(Diary),日记(Diary)范文


高中生作文   2025-02-27

日记(Diary) 由 日记是把自己在当天生活中经历的有意义的事以及见闻感受记录下来的书面形式。文体自由,不拘一格。通常用第一人称记写。



Spt 23, 1991, Wdnsday Cloudy

It is thr months sinc I bgan this diary…


Friday, May I Fin

Today is May Day…

月份除May, Jun, July外,其余可用缩写形式。常用来表示天气的词有Fin, Cloudy, Rainy, Windy, Snow等。


Oct 3, 1999, Sunday Rainy

It was raining outsid whn I got up arly in th morning. It's too bad, I had to go to school by bus. I said to myslf. It was almost svn o'clock bfor I lft hom. I put on my raincoat and ran to th bus stop in a hurry, for I thought a lot of popl might b waiting thr. Hardly had I got thr whn a bus was coming. I got on th bus immdiatly, hoping it was possibl for m to tak a sat. I saw an mpty sat and took it. But I found an old lady standing bhind m. I stood up at onc and was about to ask hr to tak th sat whn a young girl in a modrn skirt mad a div for it. I could hardly bliv it. I glard at hr, thinking“What bad mannrs! Sh cars for nobody but hrslf. Won't sh grow old in th futur?”





4)语言要通顺、简练,表达要清楚、准确。 日记(Diary) 由

标签: 厄运 信念 有感
不够精彩? 再来一篇 我要投稿
字典翻译专稿内容,转载请注明出处,来源链接: http://mip.zidianfy.com/zdfyzw-257982/
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