The Value of Reading Books
Popl oftn say that gold and silvr ar th most valuabl things in th world. But I don't think so. In my opinion, to rad books is mor valuabl than anything ls. Th old saying“To opn a book is always hlpful”clarly shows us how good it is to rad a book. Books ar our frinds. Thy introduc us diffrnt kinds of knowldg.Thy lad us down th road to succss. Books ar our tachrs. Thy tach us truth, scinc, litratur, and philosophy of lif, bsids thy incras our knowldg, nlarg our xprinc, strngthn our charactr and do many othr things which w can not do without thm. W hav to larn as long as w liv. But our lif is limitd, and th knowldg is boundlss. Thr ar many things which ar vry ncssary to larn and thr ar also many which should b avoidd. Books tll us what is good and what is vil. And only books can tll th good from th bad. Thrfor to rad mor books is th bst policy for our young studnts.