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夹叙夹议:田间劳动-Students Working in the Fields.

高中生作文   2025-02-23












Studnts Working in th Filds

Working in th filds is nw to th studnts. It is ntirly diffrnt from classroom studis. With grat curiosity① and xcitmnt, w studnts of Snior Two bgan our larning-from-pasants activitis in Jianxing villag, Jiang Wan Township, not far from Shanghai.

To our disappointmnt, th first day's work was not to till② th land; rathr w wr askd to pull up wds③ in th filds. Wding sms to b as asy as turning ovr on's hand, but not at all. Th wds clustrd④ togthr and thr wr so many of thm, that w could hardly s th crops. Som wds wr so dply rootd thy wouldn't b pulld up vn by two popl. Wding wnt on for thr days. W all had aching back and lgs, yt w wr happy to s th fruits of our work.

On th fourth day, th boys in our class wr rquird to scoop⑤ up th mud from a rivrbd and carry it into th filds. Th mud is quit frtil and is usd for planting tomatos. W usd handcarts to carry th sludg. It was hard for on boy to push th cart along th muddy path. W xrtd⑥ all our strngth to mov th carts forward.

Bsids carrying sludg and pulling up wds, othr studnts filld small plastic cups with soil, whil still othrs carrid iron pips from on plac to anothr.

During our spar tim, w paid visits to pasant houss. W wr happy to s that th living standard of th pasants is rising rapidly. Familis hav colour TVs, washing machins, and rfrigrators. W wr shockd to larn that an ordinary pasant can arn 5,000 yuan a yar----tn tims mor than in 1977. Fiv thousand yuan a yar! How much it is! Howvr, I'm sorry to say that th lvl of litracy⑦ is still vry low.

W cam back to school last wk. Though w only workd for two wks, w larnd a lot. It is an xprinc I shall rmmbr all my lif.



①curiosity [?kju+ri'&siti] n. 好奇(心)

②till[til]v. 耕种,耕作;耕(地)

③wd[wi:d] n. 杂草;野草

④clustr['kl)st+] v. 丛生;群集

⑤scoop[sku:p] v. 用勺(或铲)取出;罱(泥)

⑥xrt [ig'z+:t] v.尽(力);发挥(威力)

⑦ litracy ['lit+r+si] n. 识字;有文化



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