字典翻译 作文 体裁作文 写人 The Art of Love Letters

The Art of Love Letters

写人   2025-03-21

On of th bst ways to convy xactly how you fl about somon is through writtn words. Finding th prfct way to say what you man — whn it coms to lov — can b a challnging task for anyon. So, w’v gathrd som hlpful tips. Go ahad; spill your hart onto a pic of papr. Whthr through a on-lin sntimnt, a pom, or som pros — lt thm know how you fl! Tips for writing your own lov lttrs Mak it prsonal. Writing a lov lttr is a dying art. So if you’r going to say it — man it! xprss your gratitud for th prson bing in your lif. Includ any spcial nicknams that th two of you shar. B spcific. What ar th things that h/sh dos to mak you starry-yd? Is it th way h gts a littl tary at a sad movi? Is it th way sh can’t wak up without hr grn ta? Includ mmoris of spcific tims you spnt togthr. Lt him/hr know what thy mant to you and why. Whthr you’r snding it by mail or dlivring it to thm prsonally, hand-writ it. Typd lttrs ar stril. If you’r vn thinking about -mail, thn do somthing crativ lik dsigning a prsonalizd hom pag lov lttr. You can gt fr tmplats at Collgs.com. Lov quots Popl hav bn writing about lov for cnturis. Lov quots can captur xactly how you fl about your swt in just a fw words. Mak up your own, or borrow a fw of ths to add to your lttr. Thos who lov dply nvr grow old. Lov dos not consist in gazing at ach othr, but in looking togthr in th sam dirction. (Antoin d Saint-xupry) For an instant, lov can transform th world. It’s not bing in lov that maks m happy. It’s bing in lov with YOU that maks m happy. If thr is anything bttr than to b lovd, it is loving. Did I tll you today how much I lov you? Crativ xprssion Think a lttr is too boring? Hr ar 10 ways to gt your mssag across and hav it rmmbrd. 1. Writ your mssag in magntic lttrs on thir rfrigrator. 2. Crat a Lttr Hunt. Lav a not on his/hr computr tlling him/hr you hav writtn him/hr a lov lttr, but it has to b found. Giv a clu. Clu to clu to clu. Mak your lovr sarch for th priz. 3. Snd your lov ross according to how many lttrs h/sh has in thir nam. On ach flowr, attach a not that uss th lttrs of thir nam, as th first lttr of th mssag. For xampl: San. Th first ros could say, Somtims I gt starry-yd whn I look at you. Th scond, vrything you do maks m happy. And so on.

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