字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 New Beijing New Olympics-新北京 新奥运

New Beijing New Olympics-新北京 新奥运

高中生作文   2025-02-04

Nw Bijing Nw Olympics

China has its own sport lgnds. Back to Song Dynasty, Popl

startd to play a gam calld Cuju, which is rgardd as th origin of

ancint football. So now, you will undrstand why our womn football

tam is so good today.

With a concpt inspird by th famd Silk Road, our Torch Rlay will brak nw ground, travling from Olympia through som of th oldst civilizations known to man Grk, Indian and Chins.Carrying th mssag "Shar th pac,Shar th Olympics."Th flam will pass through Tibt, cross th Yangtz and Yllow Rivrs,travl th Grat Wall and visit Taiwan and th 56 thnic communitis who mak up our socity. On its journy, th flam will b sn by and inspir mor human bings than any prvious rlay.

I am afraid I cannot draw th whol pictur of our cultural programs within such a short priod of tim. Actually, what w hav shown you hr today is only a fraction of Bijing that awaits you.Ladis and gntlmn, I bliv that Bijing will prov to b a land of wondrs to athlts, spctators and th worldwid tlvision audinc alik. Com and join us. Thank you. Thank you all. 新北京 新奥运


由著名的丝绸之路给予人们启发, 我们的火炬传递将打破常规思路,从奥林匹亚山穿过古希腊文明、印度文明,然后到了中华文明。以“分享和平,分享奥林匹克”为传播宗旨,圣火将通过西藏,穿过长江、黄河、长城,然后到达台湾,共计56个民族地区,贯穿大江南北。这次圣火传播过程中,其规模、参与人数、影响将是史无前例的。


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