The Story of Dr. Frankenstein
Th Story of Dr. FranknstinWhn I was a child,I always dramt of finding out th scrt of various phnomna in th world.Aftr ntring th univrsity, I pionrd a way to xplor th caus of lif. At last, I found th way to crat lif, and aftr a long tim of hard work, I succdd in crating a bing, which was mor lik a monstr than a man.Whn h opnd his ys, it smd that h was vry hungry, as h startd to sarch my laboratory and trid to find somthing to at.I was scard to dath whn h rstd his ys on m. Oh dar, Im not his food. Who can sav m! I thought. But nobody cam to hlp m.H cam up to m dirctly. I flt as if Dath wr waving his hands to m. Suddnly I hard a strang sound that was just lik a crack of a bon. At th sam tim h stoppdh fll to th ground.xactly it was I myslf who savd m. I mad a mistak whn putting th bons into th big mans lft lg.Bfor h could stand up, I raisd th gun and killd him without hsitation. I knw vry wll that if I hadnt killd him I would hav bn killd.It was lucky that my cration was not a prfct on. Aftr all, that was my first cration. Mayb, I should crat a gntlman nxt tim.