A Profile Of My Best Friend,A Profile Of My Best Friend范文
A Profil Of My Bst Frind,A Profil Of My Bst Frind范文A Profil Of My Bst Frind A Profil Of My Bst Frind
I hav a frind. Hr nam is Gong Haijuan. Sh is a clvr girl. Sh is kind to othrs. Sh has good grads in all subjcts. Sh oftn coms first or scond in th xam. Sh is lik a boy. Sh is brav and hlpful. On day, hr frind’s kys fll into th pool. Sh jumpd into th pool and found th kys. W all admir hr. Th ownr of th kys mastr was gratful for hr hlp. But sh said, “W ar classmats. W should hlp ach othr.” Somtims whn I hav som hard qustions, sh will hlp m.
Sh is clvr and chrful. Sh can organiz class activitis and wall papr. Hr wall papr won th first priz last trm.
Sh is strong and good at sports. Sh liks playing vollyball and football. Somtims sh plays basktball with boys. Th sports mting is coming. Sh wants to gt a good priz for class.
Sh is a nic girl. I think sh can gt bttr.
A Profil Of My Bst Frind