字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 My Hero,My Hero范文

My Hero,My Hero范文

初中生作文   2025-02-28

My Hro,My Hro范文My Hro My Hro

I think lots of studnts lik th pop singr namd Jay. I also lik him vry much. Whn h rlasd his first album, I startd to buy his album. And I nvr miss any album of his.

Do you know as a boy, Jay was calld Dull Stupid. But his mothr Yh Huimi, noticd that th quit, shy boy smd to danc practically whn h hard th Wstrn Pop music sh usd to play. His mothr snt him to a piano school whn h was four. Whn h has grown up, h had dvlopd an ability for instant playing byond his yars. I larnd to play th piano from 7 yars old to 13 yars old. I oftn fl bord whn I practis playing th piano. But Jay was always crazy about playing th piano. I think h rally liks music. So I admir him vry much, and I call him “hro”.

I admir Jay. Th ral rason is whn th othrs all dnid him, h nvr gav up. H trid his bst to chang his lif. I think it is good for vrybody. I hop that vryon can larn from him---try thir bst to do vrything. Thn I think w will mak th grad.

My Hro

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